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16.3. Visit galleries at Rivoli Building

Starts 16 Mar
12 euro
Rivoli Building Brussels

Available spots

Service Description

The Rivoli Building is one of the most striking structures in Brussels. Since 2015 it houses numerous galleries that mainly show contemporary art. Let's visit these together. A bit more information: "The Rivoli was built in the late seventies, and its architect, Victor Demeester, designed it as a luxury dwelling and shopping centre. Its arcades are a striking sight in the Bascule district. The building originally consisted of forty spaces, which were later combined to form bigger dwellings. In 2013, a new generation of owners started renovation works, in order to give the building a new lease of life and to make it more of a whole. A team of young architects took on the project and since the beginning of 2015 various galleries have moved into the building." After the event we can go for a drink together to talk about our impressions and preferences. This second part is optional so don't worry about it if you are not able to join us.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

You will lose the prepayment if you are no longer able to join us. However, it is always possible to give your spot to a friend or colleague. In this case please inform Art for Everyone of the change as soon as possible.

Contact Details

+0032 0486180787

Moutstraat 22, Brussels, Brussels 1000, BEL


Phone: 0486 180 787



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Art for Everyone, Moutstraat 22, 1000 Brussels

VAT number: BE 0567 569 170



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